WGS84 point list conversion to GPX or KML format 

Source file with txt extension, containing WGS84 coordinates (Max size: 800 kByte):
Format of  WGS84 coordinates in the source file
Format of result file
Objects in result file
Waypoints color red yellow green cyan blue purple black gray white Routes color red yellow green cyan blue purple black gray white Tracks color red yellow green cyan blue purple black gray white  Size  Line width  Line width
Send data
circle square triangle landmark flag ball exclamation mark exclamation mark arrow camera house church castle monument shop restourant factory post office tent sport fount pine tree minimal transformer

Record (line) formats in source file:

Point name spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 Φ coordinate spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 Λ coordinate [spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 h coordinate ]

Point name spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 X coordinate spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 Y coordinate spaces or tabs or semicolon WGS84 Z coordinate
WGS coordinates

Source file format samples:

 Decimal degree format, φ λ WGS84 coordinates 

 Degree and decimal minute format, φ λ WGS84 coordinates 

 Degree minute second format, φ λ WGS84 coordinates 

 Metric WGS84 XYZ coordinates 

 File implying more routes or a tracks at one 

Online WGS84 point list conversion to GPX or KML format
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